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“Cleaning Up Homeless Encampments in the Harbor Area”

KTLA,  7/22/21

KTLA reports on clean up 15th Council District

“Accountability Check: Street Outreach And Homelessness In Joe Buscaino’s South LA DistricT”

Ethan Ward, LAist, 12/12/21

KPCC and LAist reporter Ethan Ward took a deep dive look at my council district to assess the truth about how we are eliminating dangerous encampments and cleaning our streets.


“I visited other locations targeted for enforcement, most of which were in parks, or near schools or libraries. At the Wilmington Athletic Complex, the Normandie Recreation Center and Harbor Highlands Park, there were no encampments or unhoused people. Residents who were enjoying the park or walking their kids home after school said they never see unhoused people hanging out there. At Peck Park, a woman who was picking up a girl from school, said she had only seen one unhoused person near the park, but that was “weeks” ago and she believed the park was safe.”

“A Bridge to Somewhere: San Pedro Bridge Home is a Vivid Contrast to the Venice Version”

Jamie Paige, Westside Current, 2/24/22

The transitional housing that we have created has housed nearly half the people living on the street in my district, and set them on a path towards sustainability and recovery. 


We have diminished the largest and most dangerous encampments and offered help and resources to those willing to accept. This model is working in the Harbor Area and has moved people off the street and into supportive environments, which are not perfect, but have proven to be a pathway to recovery and support. 


Creating enough transitional housing will be the fastest way toward helping those who need it most and returning order to our neighborhoods across Los Angeles. 

“Joe Buscaino's plans for a clean and safe LA”

Mark Brown, KABC7, 2/24/22


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